FAQ - Technical Info
Will eBLVD work on hosts with mirrored or imaged hard drives?
Our licensing model does not support starting eBLVD host software that was created from a mirrored or imaged drive. If you have done this, repeat the setup process on either host, then click the "Remove Existing Installation" link at the license agreement screen to replace the old license with a new one.
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Does eBLVD support Windows 10?
We fully support Windows 10 on the host and client / viewer for all products.
If you are running a system that previously had Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 (upgraded Windows 10), there is a known issue recognizing whether a Proxy or ISA server is in place.
If you are not using a Proxy (very rare these days), simply bypass this feature by following the instructions below.
Try connecting to any host again, but before entering the host password and clicking the "connect" button, click the Details button (to the right of "connect") and un-check the "automatically detect settings" check-box.
This setting will remain for the life of the computer, and you will not have to adjust it again unless you reinstall the Operating System.
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How do I replace / switch a Host PC license to a new or different PC?
To transfer or replace a Host PC license, log in to your eBLVD account, access the Host PCs page, place a checkmark in the box to the left of the Host PC(s) to be deleted, and click the "Delete Checked" link above the list. Alternatively, you can uninstall the software from the OLD PC by clicking START -> All Programs -> eBLVD -> Uninstall Software.
Next, while at the NEW PC you'll be setting up, click the "Set Up This PC" link on the top-left side of the Host PCs page to invoke the Installation Wizard.
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How do I update my PC to the latest version of the host software?
You can check for new updates either from the system tray (lower right corner of your screen by the clock) or from the Windows Start menu.
Via the tray icon: (eBLVD software must already be running)
- Click the
icon to open the menu
- Click Check for update
Via the Start menu:
- Click the Windows Start menu button
- Select All Programs → eBLVD → Software Updates
The update wizard will check for a newer version of the software. If one is found, you will be prompted to continue with the update. The new version will then be downloaded and the eBLVD software will restart automatically when the update is complete.
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Can I change the port that my eBLVD software uses?
Yes. You can configure the port that eBLVD uses from the Advanced Tab of the eBlvd Options, located in the Control Panel of the HOST PC. To minimize connectivity problems over the Internet, we recommend running eBLVD over port 443. Note: If eBLVD is running on a Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, or 2012 Server with Internet Information Services (IIS), web-based email server; or other web publishing applications, we then recommend changing this port to another, such as 444 to avoid conflicts.
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Can I use eBLVD behind a firewall or proxy?
In almost all cases, yes.
When you start a session, eBLVD attempts to connect to our servers over TCP/IP. In rare instances, firewall configurations will disallow or 'block' the transmission of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) packets.
If this is the case, please review our Firewall Guide for instructions on how to configure your firewall.
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Can I use eBLVD behind a Network Address Translation (NAT) router or firewall ?
Yes. eBLVD has been tested to work reliably through NAT routers and firewalls.
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Can participants connect over dial-up?
Yes. eBLVD works over high- and low-bandwidth network connections. Anyone using a 56.6 kbps or greater modem connection can access the eBLVD service.
Since dial-up data speeds are slower than DSL, broadband or T1 speeds, your session may experience greater latency, i.e., there will be a time lag between the HOST and the viewer.
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Could someone intercept and 'view' my eBLVD session ?
Think of eBLVD as you think of accessing secure SSL encrypted web pages. A sophisticated hacker could intercept your web session but would only see encrypted data. The hacker would need to decode each individual stream of data and reassemble it to be able to view the data. This is virtually impossible.
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Do you support dynamic IP addressing?
Yes, eBLVD works with PCs that have dynamically assigned IP addresses.
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Do you support other platforms such as Apple Mac OSX, UNIX, Linux, iOS, or Android platforms?
OSX on Apple Mac, iOS, UNIX, Linux, and Android platforms are supported on the client/viewer beginning with the eBLVD version 8 product. With version 8 or greater, (upon authentication or permission) you will have remote screen, keyboard, and mouse access from iPhone, iPad, Android, other smart phones, and any HTML5 capable device to your version 8+ hosts.
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Does eBLVD work on systems with multiple monitor systems?
Yes, eBLVD works with multiple monitors. We support up to 32 monitors on a single system.
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Does the eBLVD icon sitting in my system tray (near the clock) slow down my PC?
Nope. eBLVD only uses processing power during a session.
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How big is the remote client (viewer) applet ?
Less than 500K (half a MB), which is about the size of a simple document and takes just seconds to download over a broadband connection.
Additionally, eBLVD does not require Java, Adobe Flash, or any other third-party software, compiler, or interpreter.
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How can I improve eBLVD's performance / refresh rate?
Performance on eBLVD depends upon several factors: bandwidth, screen resolution, screen content, network traffic, and network infrastructure.
Bandwidth – eBLVD senses changes in your screen appearance, compresses the information and sends it to a eBLVD server, which relays the data to each of your participants.
Use a network route trace utility to determine where problems exist between your computer and the eBLVD data center. The utility sends data from your computer and measures the time it takes to for the data to reach our servers.
To run the Windows Trace Route utility, open the command prompt and enter "tracert eBLVD.com".
Ideally, data should take between 1-60 ms to reach our servers. If it takes between 60-100 ms, your connection is slow. Times longer than 100 ms are unacceptably slow. If you continue to experience poor performance, contact your ISP or network administrator.
Screen resolution – eBLVD sends your entire screen, so reducing its resolution can improve performance. A complete 800x600 screen can be sent about 2.7 times faster than 1280x1024.
Screen content – eBLVD sends text and lines quickly. High-res photos and videos are sent less efficiently and take longer to transmit.
Network Traffic – Although you may have a high-speed connection to the Internet, there may be congestion or packet loss on the Web. Congestion is often transient and resolves itself over time. You should report serious or persistent problems to your ISP or network administrator.
Network Infrastructure – You may want to ask your network administrator to add a simple, secure rule to your company's Proxy or firewall policy so eBLVD can run at peak efficiency.
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How do I configure your software to get through our proxy server?
Depending on whether you're running the eBLVD Host or Client software (the Client software is used to connect to a PC running the Host software), you can set up our remote control products to work with your proxy server.
If you're at the Host PC:
- Open eBLVD Options from the 'e' System Tray icon menu.
- Access the "Advanced" tab
- Remove the checkmark from the "Automatically detect settings" option & click the "Manual configure" button.
If you're using the eBLVD Client software:
- Click the "Details" button on the eBLVD Client connection screen
- Access the Proxy Settings tab
- Remove the checkmark from the "Automatically detect settings" option & click the "Configure Proxy..." button.
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How do I remove eBLVD from my computer?
To uninstall the eBLVD software from your computer:
- Click on the Windows Start button
- Select "All Programs"
- Select "eBLVD"
- Choose "Uninstall software" from the menu.
You can also uninstall the software by selecting "Uninstall" from the host icon menu, or through the Windows 'Add/Remove Programs' feature.
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How secure is eBLVD?
Secure connections (often called SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer) is the industry standard in Web security. It is used primarily for transmitting sensitive information over the Internet. When you have a secure connection between your browser and another computer, it is impossible for someone to access the data that you send across that connection. eBLVD software products encrypt all outgoing packets from the client, encrypt all display packets being returned to the client from the host, and encrypt all file, clipboard, and chat transfer packets. This method of encryption secures sensitive data as it travels over the Internet.
We keep the actual physical hardware used to provide the service in world class, tightly-protected, 24x7 managed, professionally-run data centers with redundant servers, network devices, and bandwidth providers. Additionally, eBLVD is certified by Trustwave for Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard compliance which is supported by all the credit card associations.
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What are the system requirements?
Click here for information regarding our Minimum System Requirements.
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What if the client and Host PCs have different sized monitors or resolutions?
When the eBLVD Client Viewer (the window that displays the remote desktop) connects to a remote host, it initially matches the resolution of the Host PC. You can subsequently size the Client Viewer Window to any size by dragging and 'stretching' any corner. Additionally, there are incremental zoom settings of 25% to 200% on the eBLVD Client Viewer toolbar.
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What is a firewall?
A firewall is a security mechanism that keeps your network safe from intruders. It may protect a network while users connect to the Internet, or it may separate a company's public web server from its internal network. Firewalls are also used to keep segments of networks secure. When properly set up, eBLVD services are compatible with most firewalls.
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What is a proxy?
A proxy server is an intermediary server used by some Internet services to improve security or network performance. Most eBLVD services will work through a proxy server if properly configured.
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Why has the eBLVD icon next to my clock disappeared?
Periodically, Windows tries to hide icons. To make the eBLVD icon next to the clock always visible:
Click Start -> All Programs -> eBLVD- > eBLVD Options then click "Start Host Software" to make sure eBLVD is running.
Right-click a blank spot on the Windows Task Bar and choose Properties. The Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box opens.
Click Customize... in the lower right corner, which opens another window.
Locate the line with the eBLVD "e" icon, click its entry in the Behavior column, choose Always show and click OK.
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